Dedicated to the history of the Fox family, established in Oregon 1852

American Fox Tales

American Fox Tales all began with Oregon Trail pioneer, Ephraim Fox, who genealogical research indicated as long ago as 2009, was my 3rd Great Grandfather.

Ephraim was born in Kentucky and his father mentioned only once in any document, was Nicholas, born in Virginia. There was a general consensus among researchers that a man named Benjamin was the father of Nicholas, but no one knew who ‘Benjamin’ might be. Effectively the trail ended with Ephraim Fox.  

That said, there was a tremendous amount of information on Ephraim and the more I dug the more it became clear I didn’t have to write any fiction at all. The true story was engaging enough. As I looked at the information I came to feeI it was important that I didn’t muddy waters with fiction, but that I tell the story accurately.

Though my family took part in these events, the stories that include them have never been told.

Genealogical research blew out both directions from Ephraim. DNA discoveries were the impetus for The Secrets of Benjamin Fox.

Ephraim Fox on the Oregon Trail, 1852 is the result of over a decade of research that recreates the trail to Oregon that Ephraim Fox took in that fateful year.

The third book in the series, Ephraim Fox, An Oregon Pioneer Story, follows the progenitor of the Oregon Fox family as he is drawn into the Rogue River Indian War and throughout the settling of Oregon in the latter half of the nineteenth century in the age of industrialization.

In the twilight years of his life Ephraim faces the greatest threat to his family yet. 

From his service with the Oregon Mounted Volunteers, to the first murder in Columbia County; from range war to parricide and random hanging, this book is a wild ride; don’t miss it!

Eventually these American Fox Tales may lead to when the Fox family moved to Tillamook, Oregon.

Someday the stories may end with the story of a fair-haired, gimpy little boy named Jimmy Fox, born with Osteo Genesis Imperfecta, more widely known as brittle bone disease.

A story about the triumph of the human spirit.

About accepting the cards dealt at birth and playing them like a boss.

We’ll see…

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The Mission

To Preserve and Honor in Memory

American Fox Tales is the result of many years of research, In the process it became clear these stories needed preserved.

American Fox Tales is more than an ambitious genealogical study. It is a journal of the lives of eight fathers and sons in a family that began with the adoption of a baby named Benjamin into the Virginia Fox family just as Patriots began the battle for American independence.

This is a story of how a family dealt with changing times and circumstances in the era they lived. Each book is unique due to the crazy, random events they found themselves involved in.

Due to a DNA test The Secrets of Benjamin Fox rewrites what has commonly been accepted as documented history.

Ephraim Fox on the Oregon Trail, 1852 is a thoroughly immersed, gritty study of emigration across the famous trail in those early days of its use. The greatest difference between this story and others might be the sense of the family being pursued by sickness as they frantically race west.

The third book, Ephraim Fox, An Oregon Pioneer Story might have been interesting enough, considering the colorful life of the title character. This is the life of Ephraim Fox, who became a Rogue War veteran, saw Oregon go from a territory to a state, the iron horse arrive and the industrialization of the Willamette Valley.

Like the first two books, the story takes a twist. All the success, achievements and reputation Ephraim Fox achieved in Oregon were at stake in the last years of his life.

Like his trip across the continent, Ephraim Fox finds himself again in a race. But this time it is to save the honor of his family.


Honor and shame from no condition rise. Act well your part: there all the honor lies.

Alexander Pope
Don't be caught sleeping!!

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Join author Jimmy Fox for a chat about the American Fox Tales book series, specifically about his newest release, “Ephraim Fox, An Oregon Pioneer Story”!

Get your book signed and talk genealogy!

July 6


The Cloverday Parade

Downtown, across from Rusty Cow Antiques Cloverdale, Oregon Saturday, 10am-1pm